Wednesday 12 January 2011

The worms are wallowing in their wormeries. I think they are wonderful creatures.

The Worm Song

Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
I think I'll go and eat worms.
Long thin slimy ones
Short fat furry ones
Gooey gooey gooey gooey worms!
Long thin slimy ones go down easy
Short fat furry ones stick
Short fat furry ones stick in your throat and the juice makes you go ICKKK!
Bite their heads off
Suck their juice out
Throw their skins away
Nobody knows how I survive on worms 3 times a day!

Happy New Year!

OK, I've not made it onto here in over a month, I'm not a natural blogger you see. For the last few weeks as well as doing Christmassy type things, I have been trying to make a cast of a bottom for my perspex wormery and nothing has worked!
I'm afraid that my student budget cannot stretch to the huge amount of Alginate I would need to cast the entire bottom I desire despite constructing an amazing cardboard cage in which to hold the Alginate in place. I could attempt mod-roc but it won't give me the level of detail I need. :(
If anybody has any bright ideas please let me know...
Meanwhile Apple Baby is looking stunning, it's progress has prompted me to go and purchase lots of veg and fruit with which to make more casts for my hungry worms to munch on. I'll pop some photo's on here by the end of the week.